hrg ambassador
Haka Rugby Gloabl Ambassador check list:
- Get permission from club
- Lock in dates
- Post all HGR Camps posting for your particular camp on your personal FB page
- Post all HGR Camps posting for your particular camp on the clubs official FB group
- Post all HGR Camps posting for your particular camp on to any relevant FB groups within the club
(especially junior section FB groups U6-U18)
- Meet with other nearby clubs in the area then email them info about the HRG camp
- Put up the promotion poster about the camp on the information board at the club
- Put up the promotion poster about the camp on the information board in the club house at the club
- Put up the promotion poster about the camp in the changing sheds at the training fields
- Organise a meeting with all the parents of the junior section (U6-U18) of the club to promote the camp and hand out the camp posters
- After away games ask if you can leave some posters at the opposition club house