Improve your Goal and tactical kicking with specialist kickers Troy Nathan & Miah Nikora
session 4 hours
10mins - INTRO
10mins - Objectives of kicking
10mins - Multiple choice
20mins - Review
FIELD SESSION - 2 Hour 10min
10min - Warm up
30 Mins - Kicking technique - Drop punt
Stay straight
Balance on single leg
Activating core
Ball placement: Straight, not on angle pointing sideways
High of ball placement: High for bomb, Low for precision
Leg on same foot
5, 10, 15, 20, 30 & halfway
Drop punt, grubber, spiral, Up and under, Banana, Cross felid
25min Calcio inizio
Finding a good patch on the field for the bounce and foot placement
Drop of the ball
Timing of the kick, depending of type of kick
Short for forwards: Left and Right
Short for wing: Left and Right
Short 10m kick middle of field, regain
Long: Left and Right
40 - 60 mins - Goal Kicking
x3 Middle
x3 15m Right
x2 5 m Right
x3 15m Left
x2 5m Left
x3 30metre: Penalty Conversions
x2 40min or Halfway (Optional)
10 min - Review
LUNCH - 30 mins
Troy Nathan