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High Intensity TRAINING.

It’s called high intensity for a reason – this is not easy. But as they say no pain, no gain!

We know the season has only just finished but after training and playing every week it’s not uncommon to begin to feel unfit very quickly. High intensity training is a great way of spiking the body and getting yourself feeling fit again.

It’s called high intensity for a reason – this is not easy. But as they say no pain, no gain!

Try this HIT workout below but perhaps for the first time only do the first half and then gradually build it up as you begin to regain your fitness.


Workout 1:



Mountain Climbers

Jumping Jacks

Complete each exercise one after another –

Set 1: 10 reps

Set 2: 15 reps

Set 3: 20 reps

No rest in between sets. (we know, Brutal!)

Once you’ve completed those it’s 3 minutes skipping.

A well-earned 1-minute rest before you start round 2.


Walking Lunges with Kettelbell (change hands underneath your leg)


Jumping Lunges


Carry out each exercise for 45 seconds giving yourself 15 seconds between each exercise.  Do this 3 times.

3 minute skipping

Rest for 1 minute



Plank to Pushup

Box Jumps

Carry out each exercise for 45 seconds giving yourself 15 seconds between each exercise.  Do this 3 times.

3 minute skipping


As we said, give it a try but perhaps only do 2 rounds to start with!

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